Dentist 08822
When you don’t take proper care of your teeth, gums, and mouth, diseases and infections can cause pain and even decay of the teeth. If the decay becomes too advanced, the best treatment option may be root canal therapy from our
dentist in 08822. Root canal therapy is needed when the nerve or pulp of a tooth is affected by decay or infection, or if there has been significant injury or trauma to the tooth. Symptoms of the infection are generally acute dental pain or sensitivity to hot, cold or percussion. If you are currently suffering from any of these symptoms, then Trecartin Family Dentistry would be happy to educate on this procedure.
Most people cringe when they hear the words “root canal”, associating it with pain and discomfort. However, what was once a painful, invasive procedure is now relatively pain-free, with non-surgical treatments available. Although the basic process and materials are still the same as the standard root canal procedure you may have come to fear, at Trecartin Family Dentistry, our
dentists in 08822 use advanced instrumentation, irrigation, and filling techniques for your root canal therapy. Your root canal therapy will begin by our dentist making an opening in the crown of the tooth or teeth. Then he will gently remove the infected or inflamed pulp from your tooth and fill and seal the opening with a rubber-like compound. At the next appointment, usually a week later, the roots and the inside cavity of the tooth will be filled and sealed. You can rest assured knowing that success for this type of treatment occurs in more than 90% of cases.
Teeth treated at Trecartin Family Dentistry can last just as long as natural teeth, but a re-treatment may be required in some cases due to improper healing or other complications. Good oral hygiene practices and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your root canal therapy. With our expertise, receiving root canal therapy no longer has to be an uncomfortable, frightening experience. Call today to make an appointment with our
dentist in 08822.
Trecartin Family Dentistry
111 State Highway 31
Flemington, NJ 08822
(908) 546-1800
By Trecartin Family Dentistry
October 11, 2016
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